

Technische Universität Dresden Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen Institut für Baukonstuktion

Engineered transparency 2014 - gtl-tour


After the technical conference program of the third issue of »engineered transparency« 21st and 22nd of October 2014 researchers and developers present their results and projects visibly and touchable at the glass technology live special event in glasstec’s hall 11.

We would like to invite all registered participants of the conference to join the gtl-tour, a guided tour through the area of glass technology live, October 21st from 05:30 PM. You will get a detailled insight in the projects behind the innovative exhibits.

Afterwards, the presenters and visitors meet at the lounge area of the glass technology live café for an exchange of thoughts in a relaxed atmosphere. Good music with snacks and complimentary drinks and beverages completes a day of lectures and new inspiration at the get-together.