

TU Bergakademie Freiberg Institut für Keramik, Glas- und Baustofftechnik / Bereich Glas

Innovative corrosion inhibiting separating powder for flat glass

The KSL staubtechnik gmbh in cooperation with the TU Freiberg succeeded in developing a novel corrosion inhibiting separating powder with an innovative mode of action. Over a longer period separating powders are essential in storage and transport of flat glass to avoid the damage of the glass surface by mechanical stress and corrosion. The newly developed product surpasses well known corrosion inhibiting solutions in its effectivity. The usage in existing powder equipment is possible without limitation. It is economical und sustainable. The new product enables the reduction of costs due to decrease of rejections caused by corrosion. It is available at KSL staubtechnik gmbh.