
How will the glass industry become CO2-neutral by 2045?


Foto: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Foto: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Key results for 2024 of the four studied scenarios BAU, Electrification, Hydrogen and Hybrid

Key results for 2024 of the four studied scenarios BAU, Electrification, Hydrogen and Hybrid
Chart: “Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V.”

Transformation of the container glass industry: energy, emissions, production costs and investments

Development of energy consumption in the container glass industry in the hybrid scenario

Development of energy consumption in the container glass industry in the hybrid scenario
Chart: “Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V.”

Development of CO2 emissions in the container glass industry in the hybrid scenario

Development of CO2 emissions in the container glass industry in the hybrid scenario
Chart: “Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V.”

Development of specific production costs in the container glass industry in a hybrid scenario

Development of specific production costs in the container glass industry in a hybrid scenario
Chart: “Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V.”

Investment required for implementing the hybrid transformation pathway in the container glass industry

Investment required for implementing the hybrid transformation pathway in the container glass industry
Chart: “Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V.”

Marc Everling

About the author