Confirmations and new responsibilities at the top management of Gimav during the general meeting held Monday June 16, 2014: Cinzia Schiatti was confirmed (to her fourth term) as President of the Association of Italian Manufacturers of machinery, accessories and special products for glass processing; the other statutory bodies were also renewed.
“The coming years will be very challenging for Gimav – commented Cinzia Schiatti after her appointment – We will endeavor to further strengthen the services and activities in support of our member companies during this delicate period in which we must capitalize on and leverage every opportunity to promote stable, lasting growth for our industry”.
There is a sense of recovery in this particular sector of Italian-made products, but it is crucial to continue to strive if we want to make it permanent, explains the President: “Even during the worst years of the economic crisis, Italy’s glass industry showed its strength and ability to fight back: there is no doubt that our products take top honors in terms of technological content and guaranteed lifetime. The machines we make are known around the world and exports are precisely where enterprises are focused to launch an enduring recovery for the sector”. “This is why – observes Cinzia Schiatti – it is necessary that the Association commit itself fully to supporting the business needs of its members and develop those services and international partnerships that can ensure the utmost simplification of the technical and financial operations tied to our participation in the leading international trade shows”.
Board of Directors
Cinzia Schiatti – President
Dino Fenzi – Honorary President
Aldo Faccenda – Vice President
Adelio Lattuada – Vice President
Dino Zandonella Necca – President of Equipment Suppliers Group
Michele Gusti – President of the Hollow Glass Group
Ilario Borgonovo – President of Vetrunione Group
Marino Bonetti – Board Member
Federica Bovone – Board Member
Angelo Lovati – Board Member
Nancy Mammaro – Board Member
Roberto Nori – Board Member
Board of Auditors
Andrea Zafferani, Luciano Lanzetta, Roberta Triulzi.
Source: Gimav/glassinitstyle.com