

SORG Commissions Batch Preheater

This past summer Wiegand Glas Steinbach put a second batch preheater into operation. With this addition, all three components of the BATCH3 system are being utilized on furnace 5. The EME-NEND® charger to reduce dust outside of the furnace. The IRD® Doghouse to minimize dust in the furnace and regenerators. And now our batch preheating system to reduce energy and increase throughput.

One week was scheduled to commission the batch preheater. After 12 hours Wiegand achieved a batch preheat temperature of 260°C. After only 24 hours commissioning was completed with a constant batch preheat temperature of 270°C without any upset to production. In addition to 14% energy savings, the furnace is now producing at 270 tons per day compared to 250 tons per day before starting the preheating unit.

SORG wants to thank Wiegand Glas for their trust and cooperation to help us achieve this milestone.

Source: SORG