September 5, 2013 in the town of Krasny Sulin (Rostov region, st. Commonwealth, 1) Opening Ceremony of the identity of the plant LLC "Guardian Glass Rostov."
This is the 10th European plant Guardian Industries Corp. and at the same time the largest project of its history investments were made over $ 240 million. In the shortest possible time and a half years in Krasnosulinskaya district of Rostov region was to build a powerful and modern production of float glass and glass with a magnetron sputtering. Directly at the company created more than 300 jobs, 700 additional jobs in related industries emerged.
December 12, 2012 began production of glass, and after only 2 weeks the first batch of high-quality products has been sent to partners. Today, the plant "Guardian Glass Rostov" reached its design capacity (up to 900 tons of glass per day). Currently the company produces float glass brand ExtraClear ® (poluprosvetlennoe) and energy-efficient glass for the windows of the brand ClimaGuard ®, in particular heat saving glass ClimaGuard ® N and multi-functional glass ClimaGuard ® Solar.
The ceremony will be attended by:
Vasily Golubev, Y. - The Governor of the Rostov region.
Alshenko Nikolai - Chapter Krasnosulinsky district.
Scott Thomsen - Group President for the production of glass «Guardian Industries».
Lajos Shapiro - Vice-president of the group for the production of glass «Guardian Industries» .
Janusz Ehud - General Director of "Guardian Glass Servisis."
Istvan Bagdi - General Director of "Guardian Glass Rostov."