

Solarion Begins Production of SOL90AL Solar Modules

Solarion AG has begun the series production of its flexible solar modules, the first of which is a flexible solar foil directly laminated onto 0.7 mm rolled sheet aluminum. This innovative module has been designed and developed to satis-fy strong market demand for flexible light-weight PV products.

The sheet metal extends beyond the solar laminate on two sides to allow for fast and easy mechanical fastening to a variety of substructures, eliminating the need for expensive racking systems. Additional penetration-free mounting methods on various roofing materials and membranes are also made possible. With a total weight of 3.8 kg (0.78 lb/ft²) and a convenient format of 1,350 mm x 875 mm, the SOL90AL is easy to handle and universally installable onto rooftops with weight restrictions. The roof construction analysis most often-times need not be undertaken, thus giving rise to greater savings in compari-son to conventional PV add-on systems. A newly-designed UV-resistant junc-tion box is mounted to the front-side of the module, allowing for simple module stringing. Rear-side junction box mounting may be available upon request.

SOL90AL modules have been certified by VDE according to standards IEC/EN 61646 and IEC/EN 61730-1 and -2.
Module power ratings start at 65 Watt, and ratings of 80 Watt and higher are expected during the course of 2014. Modules are now available.

Source: Solarion