ClimAd Technology makes glass smart. The manufacturer's glass film regulates the solar heat and daylight entering a building based on the intensity of the sunlight. On sunny days, the film tints and rejects solar heat to prevent overheating and too much daylight. On cloudy days, the film is transparent, allowing solar heat and daylight into the interior. The smart glass film offers building users daylight and thermal comfort. At the same time, it makes buildings up to 35% more energy efficient in comparison with current high-performance glazing.
The exhibit at glasstec 2024 demonstrates how the smart photochromic film reduces the interior temperature. One side of the model is equipped with smart glass with film applied, while the other side consists of the same glass without film. The solar lamp is switched on, heating up the indoor space as shown on the screen. The smart glass is tinted by the light, absorbing visible and near-infrared light and reducing the indoor temperature. With the other showpiece, trade fair visitors can experience the tinting for themselves. After switching on the UV light, they can see how the film changes colour. After switching off the light, the film gradually becomes transparent again within a few hours.