10:00 - 12:30
Glass processing and finishing
Gesine Bergmann, VDMA e.V.
Jochen Grönegräs, BF Bundesverband Flachglas e. V.
Bird protection glass made by laser printing
The "laser upgrade" to bird protection glass helps to minimize the problem of bird strikes. A wafer-thin pattern can be applied to the outside of the facade glass, which birds perceive as a clear obstacle. In Europe alone, 250,000 birds die every day from hitting a window. Internationally, new legal regulations are creating a large sales market, and the demand for glasses with a bird protection function is also increasing in many local markets in public or commercial buildings.
Dr. Thomas Rainer, HEGLA boraident GmbH & Co. KG
(c) Thomas Rainer
Optimization – A key to save energy!
Fabrication of flat glass requires a large amount of energy resulting in a heavy carbon dioxide footprint. Waste is not just a waste of material and money, it is adding visibly to this footprint. Hence, one of the main goals in processing flat glass has to be avoiding waste wherever possible. This generates the need for cutting optimization which itself depends very much on organization and product portfolio. Related state of the art techniques will be presented.
Dr. Klaus Mühlhans, A+W Software GmbH
© Dr. Klaus Mühlhans
Efficient and resource-saving production of insulating glass
LiSEC introduces a new era in insulating glass production. The use of robots enables a reduction in the number of employees and a change from manual to supervised activities. Intelligent process monitoring and control on the machines ensure reliable production. In addition, precise metering technologies and sophisticated energy-saving functions contribute to resource-efficient production and guarantee high quality standards. Low-wear methods noticeably increase the service life of the components.
Albert Haider, LiSEC Austria GmbH
(c) Albert Haider
Wolfram N. Diener
The laser revolution in glass processing, is it just around the corner?
Lasers were used for years in glass processing applications such as marking, engraving, drilling, de-coating and cutting display glass. Yet, the larger adoption of lasers in bulk processing of float glass is still to emerge. Meanwhile, the laser technology can potentially bring the industry’s resource efficiency to a completely new level. This presentation provides an overview of the latest developments in laser applications and explains differences between different types of lasers.
Dr. Erik Raita, Hypermemo Oy
(c) Hypermemo Oy
Dr. Wilma Dewald
Digital Solutions for efficient use of resources in vacuum coating
Architectural glazing contributes significantly to reduction of energy demand in buildings and very similar technology limits consumption of fuel or electrical energy in cars. We show how process automation improves productivity and minimizes use of consumables in vacuum coating. Software-based solutions ensure that complex coatings are stable in production and facilitate and standardize procedures to smoothly switch from one product recipe to another.
Dr. Harald Hagenström, VON ARDENNE GmbH
(c) VON ARDENNE Corporate Archive, Claudia Jacquemin
Ulrich Schuster
Glass in active building facades
To achieve climate targets enormous areas for PV systems are needed. Currently, facades are hardly used for solar applications, but they can make a significant contribution, far more than roof surfaces. A new type of color technology in the front glass, installed in powerful PV modules, opens up new design possibilities. The technology meets the high aesthetic requirements of a glass facade and combines this with the generation of electrical energy in activated building envelopes - all in color.
Jochen Weick, Grenzebach Envelon GmbH
(c) Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH
Dr. Paul Harten
Precision laser cutting of glass for industrial applications - Elimination of water, slurry, time, energy, with higher utilization of glass material
Demand of fast cutting solutions for complex shapes on transparent & brittle materials in consumer electronics, automotive & semicon industry can be addressed by laser cutting technology. Our nanoperforation process induces localized material modification rather than material removal, resulting in high-quality laser cuts. Post processing steps can be reduced & usage of water, slurry, time, energy become obvious. Freeform laser cutting improves material utilization by freely chosen part position.
Dr. Benjamin Förg, Corning Laser Technologies GmbH
(c) Dr. Benjamin Förg
Dr. Paul Harten
12:30 - 13:30
Clarity Revisited – (re) shaping the future of glass
Ulrich Knaack, TU Delft & Darmstadt
Joachim Schellnhuber, Founder PIK
Hanna Juergensmeier, SCMI AG
Linda Hildebrand, RWTH Aachen
Adrian B, Glass Lover
Sophie Pennetier, Enclos
Lisa Rammig, Eckersley O’Callaghan
13:30 - 16:00
VDMA - Digitalization in glass machinery manufacturing (OPC UA)
Chair: Gesine Bergmann
How Réné Magritte inspired the Asset Admin Shell
More and more digital information about products, no matter if machine or glass product are available and required. They range from technical parameters, via nameplate, utilization, and cleaning manuals up to detailed engineering documentation. For administration and information transfer, this calls for a systematic structuring at best in a standard universally accessible. We would like to show you how the Rene Magritte laid bases for creating such interoperability standard now called Asset Administration Shell and show on practical example how it helps saving time and money.
Dr. Markus Schoisswohl, Hegla New Technology GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Christian Mosch, Industrial Digital Twin Association
(c) Dr. Markus Schoisswohl
(c) IDTA
A solid base to build-upon: OPC UA Machinery
In the VDMA, more than 40 working groups with over 600 companies are working on the creation and publication of OPC UA interface definitions. Some of the information to be defined is not only relevant for a specific machine type or industry, but for the entire mechanical engineering sector. These are represented in OPC UA for Machinery. This talk will explain why OPC UA for Machinery serves as a basic specification and provides the perfect entry point for new machine interfaces.
Heiko Herden, VDMA e.V.
(c) VDMA e.V
How does VDMA help the glass industry out of interface troubles? 1/3
The base specification for all interfaces on glass processing: the OPC UA CS 40301
The development of interfaces is not new. But, for the very first time many manufacturers harmonize the procedures handled by interfaces in the glass processing industry. The effort during implementation of the machine and the preparation of the production will be much lower in the future. If you can use the same structure for sharing and providing data with all machines in your production line, you can overcome the diversity of interfaces in different languages of the suppliers. This is a major step to Plug and Produce. The presentation will give an introduction and brief overview of the details specified in the following presentations on recipe, machine monitoring and the demonstration tool.
Gesine Bergmann, VDMA e.V.
(c) VDMA e.V
How does VDMA help the glass industry out of interface troubles? 2/3
Let´s make detailed order transmission simple: The Recipe Specification VDMA 24124
To process a job, a machine has to be aware of all the details that define that job. Typically up until now the recipe management sitting on the machine is mapping the material and processing codes supplied by the MES system to something that is known to the machine. Using our new recipe definition, the responsibility for this mapping is fully taken away from machinery suppliers! This way opening doors for seamless integration of different machinery as well as software vendors!
Dr. Klaus Mühlhans, A+W Software GmbH
Gerald Fehringer, Lisec Austria GmbH
© Dr. Klaus Mühlhans
© Lisec Austria GmbH
How does VDMA help the glass industry out of interface troubles? 3/3
How to get standardized data back?
After having successfully standardized the OPC UA communication of jobs, we are now focusing on the standardization of machine feedback, to calculate production KPIs such as the OEE.Norms like the ISO 22400 define, how production times as well as resulting KPIs are calculated in a comparable manner and in return have specific requirements on the machine feedback received.Within our presentation we would like to show the status we achieved and the promising outlook, from which any flat glass production may benefit from.
Dr. Markus Schoisswohl, Hegla New Technology GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Thomas Häuser, A+W Software GmbH
(c) Dr. Markus Schoisswohl
(c) Dr. Thomas Häuser
Why machine communicate similar like human Answers with OPC UA – the home of industrial interoperability
Stefan Hoppe, OPC-Foundation
Envision! => Talk! => Act: See the demonstrator live!
Götz Görisch, UMATI/VDW
10:00 - 12:30
Glass production 1
Dr. Johann Overath, Bundesverband Glasindustrie e. V.
The Future of Glass Melting
This paper will present Glass Service, a.s. (GS) thermal efficiency studies showing if the future will be more likely using electric heating or hydrogen combustion. Results of mathematical modeling show the efficiency of the different technologies. What will be the furnace design of the future?
Erik Muijsenberg, Glass Service, a.s.(c) Glass Service
NSG Group CO2 emission targets and ZEB philosophy
NSG Group commits to Green House Gas emission reduction targets aligned to climate science. The target covers all scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, aligned with a well below 2°C warming scenario. With the growing interest in Zero Energy Buildings a study has been undertaken to determine the ideal product characteristics to match the requirements in each geographical region. The presentation will provide insight to the company and glass industry activities required to align with global ambition for decarbonisation.
Dr. Kevin Sanderson und David Cast, NSG Group/Pilkington Italia
(c) Kevin Sanderson | (c) David Cast
Becoming a Climate Neutral Company by 2030
With climate change on the rise, climate protection is becoming increasingly important in the glass industry. Nevertheless, change in technology remains a challenge. To reduce CO2 emissions and avoid them in the long term the glass industry is utilizing electrification and hydrogen technology. SCHOTT is one of the pioneers on this journey, with the goal of becoming "climate-neutral by 2030", a central part of its corporate strategy.
Dr. Matthias Müller, Schott AG
(c) Schott AG
Wolfram N. Diener
Smart Feeder - Full Gob Control
The goal of the development of the Smart Feeder is to provide an automatic setup of all relevant gob forming parameters to form and maintain the desired gob sequence for production. This includes stable gob weight, length, shape, dropping for both single weight and multi weight production.
Leo Diehm, Emhart Glass SA
(c) Leo Diehm
Dr. Wilma Dewald
Electrical Glass melting and boosting solutions of the future designed for efficiency, flexibility and Demand Side response
With a target to dramatically reduce CO2 by 2050, electrification of glass furnace is the most technologically ready to help the industry to transition from fuel and to reach the target. We expect the size of SCR based electric glass melting systems to grow especially for container and eventually also for flat glass furnaces. We believe flexibility and granularity of control will be key to the operation of those furnaces and to implement demand side response strategy to reduce cost of energy.
Mikael Le Guern
Ulrich Schuster
All Electric Plant
The contribution ALL ELECTRIC PLANT describes how container glass forming technology can enable climate-neutral glass production. Different technologic directions and solutions will be discussed. The key to implementation is comprehensive electrification, networking and automation of the glass plant. Sklostroj’s vision is to be a solution provider and help glass plants to accelerate the implementation.
Mark Ziegler, Sklostroj Turnov CZ, s.r.o.
(c) Mark Ziegler
Dr. Paul Harten
Chances and limitations of full electric melting furnaces – Concepts for the further development of Sorg’s VSM(R)
Company Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co KG is one of the world’s leading suppliers of customized solutions for glass melting furnaces and conditioning systems and supports its customers in meeting the challenges associated with the socially desired energy transition. The technology of all-electric cold-top melting , as known from Sorgs VSM(R), has a firm place in the glass industry due to the high glass quality as well as the energy efficiency worth seeing. Beside that the cold-top technology offers an additional advantage due to the function of the cold batch cover as a condensate trap, when aggressive raw materials are used, such as in opal glass production. While the energy efficiency and glass quality of these systems are very attractive, their application today is limited by a maximum tonnage of approximately 200 tons per day. Nevertheless the VSM(R) offers a unique combination of different advantages, such as the closed, almost dust-free, rotating superstructure, the use of easy-to handle top-electrodes and the compact design. The presentation will discuss interesting opportunities as well as limitations of all-electric glass melting furnaces and outline surprising solutions for future developments.
Dirk Schnurpfeil, Nikolaus Sorg GmbH Co. KG
(c) Dirk Schnurpfeil
Dr. Paul Harten
13:30 - 16:00
Conference "Daylight by EuroWindoor"
Verena Oberrauch,
EuroWindoor President and member of Board of Directors Finstral AG
(c) Finstral AG
Daylight needs of humans and Daylight in planning practice –today and in the future
Leif Daniel Houck,
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås
(c) Spinn Architekten
Daylight planning for workplaces –what‘s the news?
Prof. Peter Andres,
ANDRES + PARTNER Partnerschaft mbB für Lichtplanung, Hamburg
(c) Uwe Martin
Are we going to live in the dark soon? Daylight as elementary factor for the building culture and good living
Lars Courage,
Chairman Dutch Daylight Foundation, COURAGE Architecten, Apeldoorn
(c) Lamilux
Policy development in France as example of national requirements to factor in daylight
Nelly Philipponnat - in the name of UFME, Saint-Gobain Glass Bâtiment France, Paris
(c) Nelly Philipponnat
Verena Oberrauch,
EuroWindoor President and member of Board of Directors Finstral AG
(c) Finstral AG
End of Conference
10:00 - 12:30
Glass products and applications 1
Dr. Hermanns, MDI Advanced Processing GmbH
Smart window films for heat and light management in buildings
Solar heat through glazing causes overheating of buildings. Therefore, there is an increasing energy demand for artificial cooling of indoor spaces. In this work we develop smart window films that autonomously control solar heat and daylight transmission through glazing based on changes in outdoor weather conditions. Besides color-neutral, also films with special reflective colors can be prepared. The films can be adhered to existing glazing and thus provide a cost-effective renovation solution.
Dr. Stijn Kragt, TU Delft
(c) Vincent van den Hoogen
A new standard test procedure for ARC abrasion resistance assessment of solar glass coatings on original format panels
For a standardized assessment of the abrasion resistance of anti-reflection coatings (ARC) in solar energy applications like photovoltaics, solar thermal modules, architectural and green house glasses, a full area cleaning test setup and test method was developed (DIN SPEC 4867).
The test procedure that simulates realistic cleaning loads by means of dust application and rotating brush cleaning is presented. The resistance of ARCs as well as damage potential of brushes can be assessed.
Prof. Dr. Christian Hagendorf, Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics
(c) Christian Hagendorf
Sustainable and low carbon construction by Saint-Gobain Glass
In this paper we present the key innovations of Saint-Gobain Glass with the aim to reduce the environmental footprint of the buildings. Several initiatives are detailed, at the levels of glass production process, use of energy efficient coating, optimization of glazing configuration and recycling. Concrete actions achieving significant savings of both the embodied and operational carbon footprints in architectural applications are commented.
Pascal Chartier, SAINT-GOBAIN
Amelie Briend, SAINT-GOBAIN
Dr. François Guillemot, SAINT-GOBAIN
(c) Volkmar Offermann
Wolfram N. Diener
Glass in the built environment: the six most important trends according to expert interviews, systematic text processing, and cluster-based data analysis
The six identified trends deal with the integration of circular glass strategies, the future development of large-scale glass panes, the motto 'glass = wellbeing', multifunctionality & adaptivity of glass, the implementation of functions & technologies via dynamic glazing systems, and the use of thin glass. In addition, five so-called 'drivers of progression' can be determined: performance, aesthetics, environmental & sustainable aspects, financial considerations, and the human factor.
Jonas Muth, TU Darmstadt
(c) Institut für Statik und Konstruktion, TU Darmstadt
Dr. Wilma Dewald
Using Nanoparticle Approach to Implement Smart Glass and Windows as Displays
Nodis founders Mike Holt, CEO, and Dr. Sergey Shokhor, CTO -- will discuss the technology and approach in implementing TruTint, the applications and market opportunities, and Nodis' plans in scaling it in mass production. Nodis TruTint is the world’s first smart glass technology with instantly electrically switchable color, infrared filtering and tinting (TruTint), reducing building energy consumption by 50% and extending Electric Vehicle range. This presentation will discuss how this works.
Mike Holt,
Dr. Sergey Shokhor
(c) Mike Holt
Ulrich Schuster
Face to face: the potential of a novel façade control based on facial expressions
In this paper, a novel dynamic liquid crystal switchable glazing technology is controlled by a human-centred system based on occupant’s facial expression (facial action units, FAU) and a wearable lux sensor to sense visual discomfort in real-time and in a non-disruptive manner. Experimental data on occupant satisfaction and discomfort is collected to compare the performance of a conventional benchmark control system with the novel occupant-centred system proposed in this work.
Alessandra Luna Navarro
TU Delft
Dr. Paul Harten
Thermochromic Smart Windows - Optimized Solar Heat Management via Autonomous Adaptive Glazing
Thermochromic smart windows can autonomously adapt their interaction with sunlight upon temperature as external stimulus. This enables use of solar heat to heat up buildings and create a comfortable indoor climate in winter, whilst blocking solar heat from entering the building in summer, reducing air conditioning demand and increasing comfort levels. We report the first system with change in g value of 11% approaching market introduction and analyze potential impact on the EU building stock.
Daniel Mann, TNO Brightlands Materials Center
(c) Daniel Mann
Wolfram N. Diener
13:30 - 14:30
Glass production 2
(c) HVG / DGG
Dr. Jüngling, HVG / DGG
GlassTrend: Technology development for sustainable glass production
GlassTrend is the international platform of glass producing companies and their suppliers jointly working on moving to smart and sustainable glass production. GlassTrend consists of 60 members including glass producing companies, suppliers of furnaces, raw materials, gases, refractories, sensors, and automation technologies, and research institutes. Next to the organization of events to share and transfer knowledge, GlassTrend manages pre-competitive projects with the GlassTrend members with main focus on smart and sustainable glass production including for example hydrogen combustion and electrical melting technologies.
Oscar Verheijen, GlassTrend
(c) CelSian
Significant CO2 emission reduction in glass melting by advanced tank designs
The ETS phase 4 finally gives challenging CO2 emission limits for container and float glass production. Cost of energy carrier, availability, carbon footprint and technology readiness are key criteria for a technology decision. The talk goes back to the basics of the energy input by different carriers into the melting process and its consequences for the tank design. Design examples for container and float tanks will be given that focus on high electrical boosting input (hybrid designs). Hydrogen combustion, oxygen combustion and full electrical melting will be screened.
Dr. Wolf Kuhn, Fives Stein
©Wolf Kuhn
A path to climate-neutral glass production – ‘Decarbonisation of Industry’ funding programme
With its ‘Decarbonisation of Industry’ funding programme, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) supports the use of technologies for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in energy-intensive primary industries. The project sponsor and direct point of contact for parties interested in funding is the Competence Centre on Climate Change Mitigation in Energy-Intensive Industries (KEI). The presentation provides you with full details of the funding programme and application procedure.
Sebastian Varga
Kompetenzzentrum Klimaschutz in energieintensiven Industrien (KEI)
14:30 - 15:30
Award Ceremony International Year of Glass
10:00 - 12:00
Glass products and applications 2
Dr. Hermanns, MDI Advanced Processing GmbH
BirdSecure Glazing
Topic: BirdSecure a bird friendly solution for laminated safety glass
- Challenges with modern building design.
- Glass; a hazard for birds
- Designing with Trosifol® & Sentryglas® BirdSecure
Bjoern Sanden, Kuraray Europe GmbH
(c) Bjoern Sandén
Development of Optimal Structures of Cover Glass for Improved Efficiency in Solar Modules
Structures in glass improve light coupling into the module and internal light management through enhanced internal reflection. We study the influence of structured backside glass for bifacial modules on module power output and theoretical structure adapted to realistic production conditions by implementing roundings. These results are compared to modules with conventional white polymer backsheet. We show, structured glass can replace backsheets without greatly affecting internal reflection gain.
Dr. Laura Stevens, Fraunhofer Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE
(c) Fraunhofer ISE
Dynamic liquid crystal glazing to enhance buildings' performance and GBC’s
(c) Natalie Carrick
Mechanical strength testing and evaluation of thin large-format solar glasses
Larger wafer formats are being introduced in the solar industry, resulting in larger module dimensions of up to 2.3 x 1.3 m². Glass strength under high loads (storm, snow load) is an important quality assurance issue. In this paper, a test setup for strength testing of large-sized 2 mm panes is presented. Due to the geometric nonlinearity, the evaluation must be supported by a finite element simulation to determine the fracture stresses.
Matthias Pander, Fraunhofer Institut für Mikrostruktur von Werkstoffen und Systemen
(c) Fraunhofer IMWS
Dr. Wilma Dewald
Design and durability of cold-bent insulated glass units
Curved and free-form façades including the use of insulating glass units (IGUs) represent a clear trend in architectural design. Hot bending is the most common technique used to produce curved IGUs. Although its effectiveness has been proved in many projects, it is well known that it can be very expensive due to the big amount of moulds usually required to build up a free-form façade.As alternative to the ‘hot-bending’ technique, the increasingly used ‘cold-bending’ method is investigated in this paper being less expensive as well as more sustainable. Such method consists in imposing an out-of-plane displacement to flat insulating glass units and generally requires forces of limited magnitude applied on site during installation.Cold-bending introduces permanent loads into the glass panes, the glass interlayers, the secondary sealing as well as the primary sealing, the latter one responsible for the gas retention and the resistance to moisture penetration in the IGU cavity. Focusing on both integrity and durability performance, the paper presents the results of FEM analysis as well as tests performed on double glazed units including Sikasil® IG-25 secondary sealing joints and SikaGlaze® IG-5 PIB as primary seal and investigates their behavior due to cold-bending and exposure to climate conditions in accordance with EN1279-2. The limit identified is applied for the design of cold-bent IGUs in a high-rise building facade.
Pietro Demonits, Arcora Ingerop
Pedro Galvez, Sika Service AG
(c) Pedro Galvez
Ulrich Schuster
Facing up to global challenges through the application of microstructures in glazing
The global building industry is changing due to enhanced building directives and an increased focus on CO2 emissions and indoor climate. For years, the innovation has been aimed towards controlling the amount of energy from the sun that enters a building. However, as these requirements often exceed what conventional glass coating solutions can deliver, the industry has had to adopt to expensive external shading systems and double facades. The challenge with conventional shading systems is, that while they are effective in providing solar shading, they also reduce the daylight intake and the view to the outside. In addition, the conventional shading systems are expensive, complex to install and operate and have limited lifetime expectancy. Therefore, new approaches need to be invented. Solutions that provide effective shading, while maintaining the natural daylight and the view to the outside. At MicroShade we have found that all of these needs can be addressed through the application of microstructures inside the glazing.
Helle Foldbjerg Rasmussen, MicroShade
Co-Speaker: Christian Lygum, MicroShade
(c) MicroShade A/S
Dr. Paul Harten